Optician's Interactive Webinar


Registration Now Open

Sunday September 21, 2025
11:00 am - 2:15 pm EDT
3 Hours Accredited by the College of Opticians of Ontario and NACOR
Early Bird Price
Early Bird Pricing Ends:
Late Price
$59.00 plus tax

Mark Hinton

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Lynn Lawrence


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Early Bird Price
Early Bird Pricing Ends:
Late Price
Additional infO

Hosted on Zoom (https://zoom.us/download)

Overcoming Patient Objections
Mark Hinton, RO

Description coming soon
College of Opticians of Ontario Activity ID Pending | 1 Hour
NACOR Course # Pending | 1 Credit (SK/MB/NB/NS/NL) - 1 Credit PE

Proven Strategies that Increase Optical Capture and Revenue
Mark Hinton, RO

Description coming soon
College of Opticians of Ontario Activity ID Pending | 1 Hour
NACOR Course # Pending | 1 Credit (SK/MB/NB/NS/NL) - 1  Credit PE

The Lacrimal System
Lynn Lawrence, CPOT, ABOC, COA
This course will discuss the flow of tears through the lacrimal system and will cover the impact of the lacrimal system on vision, contact lens wear and overall eye health. Factors that impact proper tear health (environmental, health, medications, etc.) and factors that influence dry eyes and lacrimal obstruction will also be reviewed.
College of Opticians of Ontario Activity ID Pending | 1 Hour
NACOR Course # Pending | 1 Credit (SK/MB/NB/NS/NL) - 1 Credit PE

*Program and speakers are subject to change without notice
*Some hours may be pending approval from the College of Opticians of Ontario and NACOR

Authorization for Sharing Contact Information
By purchasing a ticket and registering for this event, the customer acknowledges and agrees that their contact information (including, but not limited to, name, email address, phone number and mailing address) may be shared with our vendors and sponsors. This information may be used for marketing, promotional activities or other communications related to the event. The customer further understands that vendors and sponsors are required to handle their information in accordance with applicable data protection laws, however, the event organizers are not responsible for the actions or policies of these third parties. If you do not wish to have your contact information shared, please contact info@aoece.com prior to completing your registration.

If you are new to Webinars, click here to learn more. This includes the technology we use, how attendance works and general FAQ.
NEW TO CE Vacations?
If you are new to CE Vacations, click here to learn more. This includes information about our two formats - CE at Sea (Cruises) and Tropical Destinations.
If you are new to our live conferences, click here to learn more. This includes information about our different tracks, Optometry and Opticianry/Optical Assistants. You will also find information about our Optifair Trade Show.
If you are new to our structures courses, click here to learn more.

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Optician's Interactive Webinar