Optician's Interactive Webinar


Registration Now Open

Sunday May 4, 2025
11:00 am - 3:15 pm EDT
4 Hours Accredited by the College of Opticians of Ontario and NACOR
Early Bird Price
Early Bird Pricing Ends:
Late Price
$69.00 plus tax

Jason Carruthers


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Valerie Manso


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Early Bird Price
Early Bird Pricing Ends:
Late Price
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Hosted on Zoom (https://zoom.us/download)

Ortho K and its Applications
Jason Carruthers, RO

Description coming soon
College of Opticians of Ontario Activity ID Pending | 2 Hours
NACOR Course # Pending | 2 Credits (SK/MB/NB/NS/NL) - 1 Credit PE

A History of Eyeglasses
Valerie Manso, ABOC, FNAO
It is said that the Roman philosopher and author Seneca (4 BC-65 AD), read ‘all the books in Rome' by looking through a glass globe filled with water. About one thousand years later in 1,000 AD, presbyopic monks laid segments of glass spheres against their reading material to magnify the letters. This magnifying glass was called a reading stone. Eyewear that resembles what we know today did not occur for another 300 plus years. This lecture takes us through a detailed history of lenses and frames and provides an in-depth look at what constitutes a quality frame today.
College of Opticians of Ontario Activity ID Pending | 2 Hours
NACOR Course # Pending | 2 Credits (SK/MB/NB/NS/NL) - 2  Credits PE

*Program and speakers are subject to change without notice
*Some hours may be pending approval from the College of Opticians of Ontario and NACOR

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Optician's Interactive Webinar